Wednesday, September 3, 2014

New School Year

We have decided to continue using My Father's World for our curriculum. We are in the third year of the the five year cycle. We are studying Rome to the Reformation. 

This is our third year homeschooling and we started August 18th. When I think about it, I am surprised that I've made it this far and still loving it like I do. Being with your kids 24/7 isn't the easiest thing in the world, but we have learned a lot about each other. Our strengths and weaknesses, learning styles and our individual personalities have taught us a lot about faith and love and a whole lot of patience. We were definitely not near as prepared in the beginning like we are now. I am much more organized and this year the girls are learning how to keep their stuff organized as well. 

Not the most glamorous of things that I've seen for homeschool stuff on Pinterest but it works for us. We finished weeks 1 and 2 and are currently in the middle of week 3. The biggest thing we have gleaned so far from our studies of Rome is if our politicians read a bit through history they would see things never change and the pattern is the same now as it was then. 

I really hope to keep up with blogging. It's on my goal list for this year. 

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